Have you ever been heard Arduino? I bought an Arduino set last semester. Alright what is Arduino? Basically it 's a microcontroller card. You can connect to USB cable to the computer. if you have got Ardiuno, you should download its program . Therefore you can use its orginal website. There are some basic projects in program. You can use them. Don't forget! Firstly you should put some electronics things to the Arduino. For example, leds, resistance... Electronic equipments depend on your project.
You can write codes using program. if you know C or C++ , it 's very easy. Also you can find some project codes on the net. You can use them. I added my Aurduino card and my electronic equipments photos. I want to add video next times.
it 's my Aurdino.
my electronic equipments
my board for electronic equipments
they are all together.